Sony India announced the launch of PSP-3000 in the Indian market at the Playstation event held in Mumbai. The company has also announced its plan to roll out the 80 GB Sony PS3 console in the country.
Supporting Wi-Fi connection, the PSP-3000 comes with an integrated microphone for gamers to use the portable gaming console as a communicator. Users can now easily speak into the device and converse online with their friends. It also sports a highly-improved screen and anti-glare technology in addition to the functionality and aesthetics of the PSP Slim and Lite (PSP-2000). The screen ensures a deliver of a wide range colors, and the anti-glare technology boasts to reduce the glare caused by sunlight and harsh indoor lighting.
Atindriya Bose, Country Manager, Sony Computer Entertainment, commented, “There is huge scope for Sony Computer Entertainment amongst the Indian audience with the introduction of the newly designed PSP – 3000. It has an advanced LCD viewing, which further improves the very popular, high resolution PSP display along with a built-in microphone, which brings a new dimension of gaming to the overall entertainment experience.”
The Sony PSP-3000 can be all yours for just Rs. 9,440. The pricing and availability of the 80 GB PS3 in India is yet to be announced.
Supporting Wi-Fi connection, the PSP-3000 comes with an integrated microphone for gamers to use the portable gaming console as a communicator. Users can now easily speak into the device and converse online with their friends. It also sports a highly-improved screen and anti-glare technology in addition to the functionality and aesthetics of the PSP Slim and Lite (PSP-2000). The screen ensures a deliver of a wide range colors, and the anti-glare technology boasts to reduce the glare caused by sunlight and harsh indoor lighting.
Atindriya Bose, Country Manager, Sony Computer Entertainment, commented, “There is huge scope for Sony Computer Entertainment amongst the Indian audience with the introduction of the newly designed PSP – 3000. It has an advanced LCD viewing, which further improves the very popular, high resolution PSP display along with a built-in microphone, which brings a new dimension of gaming to the overall entertainment experience.”
The Sony PSP-3000 can be all yours for just Rs. 9,440. The pricing and availability of the 80 GB PS3 in India is yet to be announced.
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